Syntax: | display: <value> |
Possible Values: | block | inline | list-item | none |
Initial Value: | block |
Applies to: | All elements |
Inherited: | No |
The display property is used to define an element with one of four values:
Each element typically is given a default display value by the browser, based on suggested rendering in the HTML specification.
The display property can be dangerous because of its ability to display elements in what would otherwise be an improper format. The use of the value none will turn off display of the element to which it is assigned, including any children elements!
Syntax: | white-space: <value> |
Possible Values: | normal | pre | nowrap |
Initial Value: | normal |
Applies to: | Block-level elements |
Inherited: | Yes |
The white-space property will determine how spaces within the element are treated. This property takes one of three values:
Syntax: | list-style-type: <value> |
Possible Values: | disc | circle | square | decimal | lower-roman | upper-roman | lower-alpha | upper-alpha | none |
Initial Value: | disc |
Applies to: | Elements with display value list-item |
Inherited: | Yes |
The list-style-type property specifies the type of list-item marker, and is used if list-style-image is none or if image loading is turned off.
LI.square { list-style-type: square }
UL.plain { list-style-type: none }
OL { list-style-type: upper-alpha } /* A B C D E etc. */
OL OL { list-style-type: decimal } /* 1 2 3 4 5 etc. */
OL OL OL { list-style-type: lower-roman } /* i ii iii iv v etc. */
Syntax: | list-style-image: <value> |
Possible Values: | <url> | none |
Initial Value: | none |
Applies to: | Elements with display value list-item |
Inherited: | Yes |
The list-style-image property specifies the image that will be used as list-item marker when image loading is turned on, replacing the marker specified in the list-style-type property.
UL.check { list-style-image: url(/LI-markers/checkmark.gif) }
UL LI.x { list-style-image: url(x.png) }
Syntax: | list-style-position: <value> |
Possible Values: | inside | outside |
Initial Value: | outside |
Applies to: | Elements with display value list-item |
Inherited: | Yes |
The list-style-position property takes the value inside or outside, with outside being the default. This property determines where the marker is placed in regard to the list item. If the value inside is used, the lines will wrap under the marker instead of being indented. An example rendering is:
Outside rendering: * List item 1 second line of list item Inside rendering: * List item 1 second line of list item
Syntax: | list-style: <value> |
Possible Values: | <list-style-type> || <list-style-position> || <url> |
Initial Value: | Not defined |
Applies to: | Elements with display value list-item |
Inherited: | Yes |
The list-style property is a shorthand for the list-style-type, list-style-position, and list-style-image properties.
LI.square { list-style: square inside }
UL.plain { list-style: none }
UL.check { list-style: url(/LI-markers/checkmark.gif) circle }
OL { list-style: upper-alpha }
OL OL { list-style: lower-roman inside }
Copyright © 1997 John Pozadzides and Liam Quinn. All rights reserved.